The Latest Update

The Latest Update

Download VoiceMeeter Banana for Windows 10/11 & Mac

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The latest update of the VoiceMeeter Banana app has revolutionized the way that audio is managed on Windows PC's. This update has brought a range of new features and fixes, making it easier than ever to control and mix audio sources with any audio application.

One of the biggest new features of this update is the addition of new effects on all input strips. This allows users to easily adjust the sound of their audio sources for a more refined sound. Additionally, a high-end master parametric EQ has been added to every bus, making it easy to adjust the overall sound of each audio source.

The new version of VoiceMeeter Banana also includes a multi-format audio player/recorder, allowing users to record their audio in whatever format they choose. The recorder can also be used for post-processing, giving users the ability to tweak and mix their recordings.
In addition, users can now save and recall EQ settings, allowing them to quickly and easily switch between settings. This feature is especially useful for live performances, allowing users to quickly switch between different sound profiles.